Research Foundation Guidance + Work-Life Balance for Faculty of Color

Hello Fellows,

We are truly heartened to hear that you have been relying on the structure provided by your writing groups and your Mentors to stay focused and find professional support in the face of adversity. The underlying strengths of the FFPP are becoming more vivid than ever: the capacity to connect, draw on professional resources, build layered support systems, and persevere together.

We have several timely informational items to share with you.

  1. The CUNY Research Foundation has just released the following for PIs and grant workers: and specifically   This guidance will be updated periodically, so please check back at the RF site.
  2. The current moment only highlights something the FFPP has long focused on: the question of how faculty of color can achieve a good work-life balance in academe. Dwayne A. Mack, professor of history and Carter G. Woodson Chair of African American History at Berea College, offers his perspective here.

Finally, our STEM Mentor, William Carr, recently gave a talk about coronavirus (COVID-19). Thank you to William for sharing your expertise with us!

We look forward to communicating with you regularly–even as we want to respect the fact that we’ve all been a bit overwhelmed with email lately! The FFPP Commons will be, we hope, a valued site of connection, resource-sharing, and collegiality as we move ahead.

Very best wishes to all,

Matt and Shelly