Matt Brim coedits Imagining Queer Methods

Imagining Queer Methods showcases the methodological renaissance unfolding in queer scholarship. The volume brings together emerging and esteemed researchers from all corners of the academy who are defining new directions for the field by asking “How do we do queer theory?”

From critical race studies, history, journalism, lesbian feminist studies, literature, media studies, and performance studies to anthropology, education, psychology, sociology, and urban planning, this impressive interdisciplinary collection covers topics such as humanistic approaches to reading, theorizing, and interpreting, as well as scientific appeals to measurement, modeling, sampling, and statistics.

Matt Brim is Associate Professor of Queer Studies in the English department at the College of Staten Island, CUNY. His books include James Baldwin and the Queer Imagination (U. of Michigan Press, 2014) and the forthcoming Poor Queer Studies: Confronting Elitism in the University (Duke U. Press, 2020), which reorients the field of queer studies away from elite institutions of higher education and toward working class schools, students, theories, and pedagogies. With Dr. Shelly Eversley, he is Academic Director of the Faculty Fellowship Publication Program.